I want to get used to letting go
I hold so tightly I get blisters
Man I grip so hard I see blood
Letting go I thought would kill me
But it’s really holding on and continuing to ignore reality
Wake up
I remind myself
Take care of yourself
You are the only one who can help you
You’re the one that needs to believe in you
Remember baby it’s all up to you

He chose me
He chose me
He chose me
In a time where I felt undesirable
He choose me
In a time where I felt sad and lonely
He chose me
But when the push came to shove
He left me
When times got tough
He berated me
When life brought me low
He didn’t give a fuck about me
Now I know that’s why
I have to choose me
So during my darkest days
I choose me
In my desperation
I choose me
In my depression
I choose me
With my love
I choose me. !

My only competition is me
I don’t compete against another
I know I’m forever a stunna
Worrying about my lane nothing else matters
Building on what I have
Polishing who I will already be
These demons can’t stop me
My soul is soaring free
I deserve what I ask for
I deserve to feel loved
I deserve to be shown off
I deserve to know your love is all for me

Maybe I’ll write a poem about you
Maybe I’ll tell you how much I like you
Maybe I’ll let the world really see you
Maybe I’ll let myself fall for you
Maybe I’m scared
Maybe I’m afraid
That you’ll love me
Then leave me
And my heart can’t fathom that pain
My brain won’t work the same
I’m falling for you
This I wish was a game

Self-sabotage is trynna get me
I’m laying here happy in my soul
But the devil is steadily nagging me
What I am to do
I got these blessings
Yet the devil trynna steal them
I know my connection is unshakeable
So he got me questioning myself
Am I worthy of what I’ve been receiving
Or am I getting a false version of hope
Laying here happy in my soul
Yet the devil is trynna take it from me

Taking care of everybody is just a thankless job
The people act like the help is unwanted
But it the same breathe act as though they’d die without it
I will never understand, how I allowed this happen
Yet it’s up to me to unclear these woes
Focusing on everybody else left me at the bottom of my list
And now I’m focused on me
So I’m holding me accountable
And putting me first

I met a little girl
She was lost, cold, and hungry
Said everyone she loved up & left her
Said they abandoned her on the way
They left her angry and trusting nobody
Now all she does is hide her cries behind angry words
Dwells with the enemy
Thinking everyone is out to get her
So I took her home
Loved on her, got her cleaned up
And realized something crazy
Staring at her all I saw was the little me

Love so deep
The pain seems mundane
Were we really bound for life
Or was it just an illusion
Either way I think of you
Either way I dream of you
I know you feel me
I know this shit stings
I know we far away
I know the love was meant to stay
I love you I truly do
But tf am I supposed to do

Patience, patience, patience
The days seem so long
Yet the years fly by
Patience, patience, patience
Everything you dream will come true
The timing is perfect,
Patience, patience, patience
Know you the shit and
God will never forsake you
Patience, patience, patience
You’ve seen what rushing does
So slow down and enjoy the Divine pace

We often lose who we are in survival
When we fixate on one thing, one goal
Thinking that it would take the pain away
Thinking it will clear the rain
Well I’m here to kill that myth
See true happiness lies within
True healing comes when you rip the bandaid off
True salvation comes from truth
We so easily to convince ourselves the pain is only for the moment
But then your chest hurts, Oh now your back is aching
The pain multiples while the soul and body continuously dies.
And here we are still without dry eyes
But me I’m choosing peace
Im choosing joy
I'm choosing salvation with the Lord
What’s it gonna be for you

God I understand that life is a series of events and we must navigate them with the tools given and seek to do better
Lord I a’int with the negativity any longer
I pray that everything around me is meant to be around me
Lord I a’int forcing shit anymore,
I a’int holding on to what doesn’t want to be held

Bring the joy
Heal the pain
These fucked up love songs
Are all insane
No way out
So I scream and shout
I kick and scratched
But found out it was my own back

Listen I know you feel me leaving,
I know you feel me changing
Baby, I know it scares you
But I know you know me,
I gotta do what is best for me
Even if that's without you
Now I know I can't totally blame you
I had my hands and feet in it too ignoring it
everything I should have listened to
Every sign I ignored
Every burden I carry
Yet I still must walk through that door

He sees the emotion that I learned to hide so well
We always close now,
but the herb in me is a spell
Add a lil drink in
So emotions start flooding
Always getting deep now,
he loves to get to touching,
I know what my thighs do
to this fine ass caramel man
Oh fuck with me right now
He wants me to get to loving
He’s into freak shit
Catch the vibe when the doors are closing
Roll up the blunt now
Jame and c-c-c-cola
And he keeps com-i-ng over
Cuz its ne-never over

I went down the path
The one “set out” for me
I took the turns everyone told me
I looked in the mirror and couldn’t even recognize me
I went down the path I once said could never be for me
Walking it just to see
Carried everyone’s pain
Took on all the expectations
Basked in their compliments
Ignored my intuition
Forgetting I’m the only perception that matters
Forgetting I’m the one controlling this body

Being tortured by you
Yet craving your love
What is it about you
That I can’t seem to get unstuck
I’m convinced we’re soul-fated lovers
Traveling lives and dimensions together
To find out that it was never really right
Vowing to try again in the next
Just to end up playing the same game
Aren’t you tired
Cause baby I am
I want to give up
But deep in my heart I want our love to win

It’s okay to not be okay
It’s okay to need help and answers
It’s okay that you can’t always save the day
It’s okay to be to yourself
It’s okay to put you first
It’s okay to not have the answers
It’s okay to lean on God
It’s okay to trust your intuition
It’s okay to choose your highest self

I act like I hate you
You act like you fear me
Sticky little words
Tricky little actions
I stand near you
I need you
But you can’t know that
I feel you
But we ignore that
Why are we so good at pretending
Why do we act so cold
Why do we act like the world should never know

Choosing healing is choosing self
Realizing all the ways we keep ourself imprisoned by fear of healing
All the ways we deny ourself with lack of love
Yes all that shit fucked us up
Shit some of it dam near killed us
But healing is a life long journey that helps you
Healing is a journey that is for you by you
For without healing, we just zombies waiting for an apocalypse
I’m so reborn
The pain don’t hurt like it used too
You name don’t burn like you used too
I feel free
I finally remember what it was in me
That kept me dreaming
That kept me going
Remember there was a whole woman
Before I became wrapped up in you

No longer scared of my own power
No longer afraid of storms
I’ve proven to myself time and time again
I can conquer anything
Meaning fear is a lie
Meaning the shit was never real
Cause today I’m healing
Cause tomorrow I’ll still be dealing
So why not get everything I need

What is it to be a wombman
The pain we endure
The stress we pretend makes us feel secure
Why are we so afraid
To be our true selves
Why don’t we have wings if we are so scared to fly
Dear Wombman don’t ever be scared
To be who you are
Spirit made you
Embrace the pain it doesn’t last forever
Enjoy the good times
That’s all we have together

Sexy with myself
naked by myself
this solitary owns me
I understand what these dreams mean
time to be alone
time to be alone
time to stand tall
get it on my own
My soul yearns to see
my soul yearn to be discreet
When I love me, I’m the best
Knowing the things that used to kill me
dreams that used to haunt me
the baddest bitch
before she
there was only the fucked up things in my head
nobody can beat me
nobody can beat me
nobody can beat me
nobody can fucking beat me
Does the thought of me
Bring you peace from you insanity
Do you really love me
Or you can’t see past the hurt that you harbor
I love you
But she wants you
I can’t lie she hold you down
But me I hold you up
I let you know your a king
And never let your shine be dimmed
Maybe I reveal you to you
Maybe I scare you
But either way
Be happy baby
And that’s something I sometimes feel like you lack
The knowledge to truly achieve that

What is love
Do we really know what it is
Are we confusing love with attraction
Are we confusing love with compassion
Are they one in the same
Are they interchangeable
Back at it again
Back at it like an crack addict
But again what is love really
Is it fleeting
Is it a feeling
Love …

Grinding everyday
Living to get paid
Fuck how everybody feel
Fuck trynna get laid
T’m trynna see how far I can go
I’m trynna see how long I can flow y’all hate me
But will never be able to recreate me
Nobody better
Nobody works harder
Tired everyday
But learning new ways
I’m gonna get paid
I’m gonna get paid

The devils you bring
The demons you see
Why did you put that shit on me
Why did you sumerge me in your shit
How could you blame me for the demons you bring
How could you point the finger when you made me bleed
I pray some day you get what you need
Cause I can’t continue to be reaping d’evils you seek
Get what you need
And leave me be

My only competition is me
I don’t compete against another
I know I’m forever a stunna
Worrying about my lane nothing else matters
Building on what I have
Polishing who I will already be
These demons can’t stop me
My soul is soaring free
I deserve what I ask for
I deserve to feel loved
I deserve to be shown off
I deserve to know your love is all for me